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«Наука через призму времени»

Январь, 2018 / Международный научный журнал
«Наука через призму времени» №1 (10) 2018

Автор: Тайкенова Ирина Александровна, студентка
Рубрика: Медицинские науки
Название статьи: Современная молодежь и медицина-онлайн

Статья просмотрена: 517 раз

УДК 13058


Тайкенова Ирина Александровна


Коваленко Виктория Сергеевна

преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков

 Саратовский государственный медицинский университет им. В.И. Разумовского , г. Саратов


Аннотация. Данная статья посвящена анализу нового этапа медицинского обслуживания, основанного на информационных технологиях. Информационно-технические инновации в сфере медицинских услуг привлекают внимание большой аудитории молодежи, которая стоит перед выбором будущей профессии, и многие решают связать свою жизнь с медициной. Также в статье говорится о распространении термина “e-health” (электронное здоровье), который может быть применим с связи с организацией новых способов взаимодействия врача и пациента, медицинских учреждений между собой и формированием улучшенных условий социальной коммуникации. В завершении статьи высказывается мысль о том, что вышеизложенные изменения в сфере медицинского обслуживания позволят пациенту самостоятельно решать вопросы технического характера, что может способствовать скорейшему процессу выздоровления.   

Ключевые слова: молодежь, медицина, онлайн, информационные технологии.



Taykenova Irina Aleksandrovna, student

Kovalenko Victoria Sergeevna, lecturer at Department of foreign languages

Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky, Saratov

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of new period in medicine that is connected with the use of information technologies. This new approach attracts lots of young people that decide to master their skills in the sphere of medicine. Also it is said in the article that appearance of e-health term in medicine is connected with formation of new ways of interaction between patients and medical institutions, and organization of more suitable social relationship. To sum it up, above mentioned changes provide better therapeutic process, endowed with the right of patients to make decisions about their health.  

Keywords: young people, medicine, online, e-health, information technologies.


At all times the future of the country depended on young people. Young people were the engines of progress and development. In modern industrial societies, young people find it very difficult to manifest and assert themselves. Searching for individuality and different social status are compounded not only by the abundance of choice, but most of all due to the long period of mastering the profession.

Now different types of public action and all sorts of concepts are developed that attract young people into science and incorporate young professionals. Science in modern society plays an important role in many industries and areas of our life. Undoubtedly, the development level of science can serve as one of the main indicators of society development, as well as an indicator of economic, cultural and education development.[1]

Nowadays due to prevalence of the Internet, there is a development and implementation of information technologies in all spheres of activity, including medicine. New technologies in medicine are capable of not only quantitative but also qualitative improvement of provision of health services, creation of new possibilities in medicine. Their introduction in practice of public health rapidly changes along with the ways of diagnosis and treatment, methodology of interaction with the patient and doctor, organization of treatment and health recovery.

The use of modern information technologies in the medical sphere leads to emergence of new social institutions, communication models, revision of the traditional value system and improvement of quality of human life. Now, we can talk about systemic changes in the field of medicine, determined by the introduction of new information technologies. Despite the fact that these changes require significant financial, labor and time costs, they are vital.

Recently, the term "e-health" has been increasingly used to refer technological changes. WHO notes that "strengthening health through the e-health system can contribute to the realization of basic human rights through increased equity, solidarity, quality of life and quality of health care" [3].

E-health is a system of social relations and relationship that arise in connection with the use of new information and communication technologies in the medical sphere. As a result, a completely new information and communication area is formed, the interactions in which are carried out in three main directions:

1) medical institution (medical worker) – patient;

2) medical institution (medical worker) – medical institution (medical worker);

3) patient – patient.

The changes take place at the state and public levels and affect, first of all, the youth, since it is a social group that has the greatest potential for developing the emerging system. Given that the health of modern youth is the most valuable resource of the public health system, it is necessary to analyze not only the benefits of these transformations, but also the risks that they bear in themselves.

Young people are intensively involved in the formation of new social relationship, which unlike traditional ones, have completely new properties related to the usage of specific information technologies. It is possible to distinguish some characteristic features of the emerging e-health system:

- efficiency (e-health improves service efficiency, reducing time and money costs);

- quality (increasing the effectiveness of health care in the e-health system is associated with improving the quality of medical care);

- e-health system gives to patients greater freedom of choice, allowing them to make responsible decisions on receiving information;

- a new model of the doctor-patient relationship is formed, based on the principles of the partnership;

- transparency (creation of more coherent and more transparent medical support for external and internal control within the electronic system);

- expansion of the medical space in both geographical and conceptual terms (with the development of medicine-online, territorial health care systems are increasingly blurred, and the life space of a person is gradually becoming a part of the medical space) [4].

The development of medicine-online provides unique technological resources to improve the quality of interaction between doctors and patients. Recently, social networks for doctors and patients, in which they can exchange information in real time, have become increasingly popular.

Young people can discuss their health problems, get the necessary support and even advice from a leading specialist, and get quick information about a disease, etc. Medicine-online is an opportunity for young people to avoid a psychological barrier when communicating with a doctor that in some cases can cause a non-return for medical care in a regular clinic. This is the guarantee of anonymity in the process of searching for information about one's health, as well as obtaining social support from Internet users with similar problems.

The development of medicine-online carries not only the expansion of opportunities for young people in the medical sphere, but also various risks. The ability to promptly obtain information related to human health, especially in the situation of the disease, can have negative consequences, especially for young people. The specifics of this information requires the availability of the necessary resources to adequately reflect the information received; otherwise, it can serve as a source of different pathogenesis. In addition, the openness of the Internet creates the danger of breach of confidentiality and abuse of information related to the field of human health.

Young people are the main target audience of medicine-online, which is included in new models of doctor-patient interaction in modern society. The e-health system that is being created in our country is oriented, first of all, to patients included in the new information area of medicine and capable of autonomous actions in it.

In this way, the old paradigm of medicine in the industrial society, in which health workers were seen as a main and the only source of medical knowledge and skills, is gradually giving way to a new worldview of the information society in which patients, as well as their legal representatives, become full participants in the therapeutic process, endowed with the right to make decisions about their health.


Список литературы:

1.       И. М. Ильинский  Молодежь России: Тенденции, перспективы, 1993

2.       Луков, Вал. А., Погорский, Э. К., Тихомиров, Д. А.  Государственная молодежная политика: российская и мировая практика реализации в обществе инновационного потенциала новых поколений // Знание. Понимание. Умение, 2011. -  № 4.-  С. 231–236.

3.       Constitution of the World Health Organization – С.2

4.       G. Carlisle, D.Whitehouse, P. Duquenoy (еds.). Berlin, Springer // Е-Health: Legal, Ethical and Governance Challenges, 2013.


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