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«Наука через призму времени»
Январь, 2018 / Международный научный журнал
«Наука через призму времени» №1 (10) 2018
Автор: Абалян Элина Камовна, студент
Рубрика: Экономические науки
Название статьи: On the issue of interpretation of the concept of "banking system"
УДК 336
E.K., On the issue of interpretation of the concept of
"banking system"
Abalian E.K.
year students of accounting and financial faculty
adviser: Uglitsky O.N.
of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance
Credit and Insurance
State Agrarian University, Stavropol
It is reported that development of the banking system under modern conditions
is strongly influenced by the processes of financial globalization. Theoretical
comprehension of the outcomes of the above impact presupposes the necessity of
a more precise definition of the banking system notion on the base of the
system approach.
Central Bank, Bank of Russia, state, banking system.
The study of
any phenomenon and process, their development must begin with the clarification
of the essence of the concepts and categories conjugate to them. The modern
banking system is one of the key elements of any national economic system,
influencing the formation in its framework of the laws of economic processes in
general. In this regard, you need a clear understanding of the essence of the
banking system, its components, place and role in the modern economy,
understanding the content of the transformation of national banking systems
under the influence of the processes of financial globalization.
to the theory of systems, the banking system can be viewed as a set of
interrelated elements, or parts, aimed at achieving a common goal and
functioning as a whole. In this case it is necessary to take into account that
the elements of the banking system function and develop within its framework,
their properties are subordinated to the system as a whole. The connection of
objects and properties in the system process into a single whole is carried out
using links organized in a certain way.
The essence
of the banking system is determined by the fact that it is part of the
country's credit system, which, in turn, is an element of the country's
economic system. This is why it is necessary to consider the activity and
development of the banking system in close connection with the production,
circulation and consumption of material and non-material goods. The credit
system is characterized as a set of credit relations and institutions that
organize these relations. In addition to the central bank and commercial banks,
the credit system includes non-bank credit institutions, as well as branches
and representative offices of foreign banks. But it is the banking system that
forms the basis of the credit system.
There is no
single generally accepted definition of the concept of "banking
system", there is no single interpretation of
this concept in the economic literature. Depending on the definition of the
function and the role of the banking system in the development of the national
economy, the definition of the term banking system is interpreted in a narrow
and broad sense. So, in a narrow sense, the banking system is the composition
of a system of banks (a collection of elements, their list) of a particular
country in a particular historical period. In a broad sense, the banking system
is characterized as an organic system consisting of a set of elements, taking
into account the adequacy and interaction, which is a self-developing whole,
and in the course of its development passes successive stages of complication
and differentiation in a certain historical period, and entering into systems
of a higher order: system of the corresponding country and simultaneously in
the world banking community.
All the
variety of available definitions can be conditionally combined into two groups
on the basis of institutional and functional approaches. Within the framework
of the institutional approach, the banking system is defined as the totality of
its constituent elements, i.e. central bank, commercial banks, non-bank credit
organizations, as well as branches and representative offices of foreign banks.
The functional approach is based on the fact that the specificity of the
banking system is determined not only by its elements, but also by the
relations between them. Therefore, the banking system is viewed as a system of
banks acting in interconnection and interdependence with each other. In the
scientific literature, the banking system is considered "as a set of
formal, fixed in law, and informal norms fixed in customary law, rules and
rules of behavior that regulate the interaction of economic agents in the
process of creating additional purchasing power. In this way, the systemic
qualities of a set of banks are distinguished as organic integrity. "
His vision
of the essence of the banking system is given by R. Hainsworth,
in the opinion of which, in Russia "there is a banking sector with many
banks, but the banking system in the macroeconomic sense yet". In his
opinion, the banking sector equals simply the sum of its elements, which rarely
interact with each other, and the destruction of one component reduces the
value of the sector only by the value of this particular component. The system
has a value that significantly exceeds the cost of its individual parts,
connected and interacting with each other. In this case, the destruction of an
individual element of such a system leads to its rapid restructuring and
compensation for the loss. The collapse of the entire system is catastrophic
for each participant, so they are all vitally interested in maintaining it.
Proceeding from this, one of the features of the system of R. Heinsworth considers the presence of an effective
regulator, the stability of the system to sudden shocks and observability.
In the treatment of O.I. Lavrushin
banking system is a holistic education that ensures its sustainable
development. As a collection of elements, O.I. Lavrushin
represents it in the form of three blocks: a fundamental one (which includes
the bank as a monetary institution and a banking rule); organizational
(consisting of different types of banks and non-bank credit organizations - the
organizational basis of banking and banking infrastructure); regulating
(forming state regulation of banking activities, banking legislation, acts of
the central bank and instructional materials developed by commercial banks to
regulate their activities). Attention is drawn to the inclusion of the banking
infrastructure in the organizational unit, where the infrastructure is
understood to mean various enterprises, agencies and services that provide
banking activity, as well as information, scientific, staffing, communications,
communications, etc.
In the treatment of GN. Beloglazova and L.P. The Kro-livec banking system is defined as a unified and
integrated (co-operating) set of credit institutions, each of which fulfills
its specific function, conducts its list of cash transactions, as a result of
which the entire volume of the society's needs for banking products (services)
is satisfied in full and with the greatest possible degree of efficiency.
I.T. Balabanov believes that
banking systems are characterized by the following properties: hierarchy of
construction; presence of relations and connections, which are system-forming,
i.e. provide the property of integrity; the orderliness of its elements,
relations and connections; interaction with the environment, during which the
system manifests and creates its properties; the presence of control processes.
The banking system of the country is represented not only by banks, but also by
other organizations and institutions that ensure the stable functioning of the
fundamental block of the system: banks and other credit organizations. A.V. Molchanov ,
referring to the Russian banking encyclopedia, considers it unfounded to
include banking legislation and the banking market in the banking system. From
the point of view of GA. Tosunyan, the lower level of
the banking system includes a number of elements of the banking infrastructure.
In our opinion,
the interpretation of the concept of "banking system" should be
defined in a broad sense with some refinements, because allows you to clearly
understand the essence, functions and tasks of the country's banking system.
The banking system is an integral entity consisting of a set of fundamental,
organizational and regulatory blocks and their elements (credit, regulatory,
infrastructure organizations), taking into account their interconnectedness,
which is a self-developing whole. In the process of its development, it goes
through successive stages of complication and differentiation and enters into
higher-order systems in certain historical periods: into the economic system of
the corresponding country, and in the conditions of globalization into the emerging
global banking system. The banking
system is a concept, first of all, concrete historical. Therefore, when
studying it, it is necessary to take into account the state of the productive
forces, the structure of the national economy, economic relations, forms of
management, the totality of institutions and elements of the superstructure in
a particular country at any given time and in the order of its allocation,
comparison and correlation with the world and regional economies. The banking
system should be viewed as an integral entity, within which the constituent
parts and elements interact. Interacting, they define new properties of the
banking system that are absent from its individual elements: integrity, integrativity, hierarchy, equifinality,
multivariance, inertia. The problem of including
non-bank credit institutions in the banking system is also ambiguous. A number
of researchers deny this possibility, since credit institutions do not have the
name "bank". In their opinion, the banking system should include only
banks, and all non-bank credit organizations only apply to the credit system.We share the point of view of economists who believe
that non-banking credit organizations can not be excluded from the banking
system, since it is necessary to judge by the operations that they carry out . It is the inclusion of non-bank credit institutions in
the banking system that facilitates the implementation of the monetary policy
by the government and the Central Bank.
The banking system is one of the main tools that form
the prerequisites for the development of the country's economy. Negative trends
in its functioning have a huge impact on the financial and economic situation.
Thus, the implementation of credit functions by banks determines the opportunities
for the development of enterprises in the real sector of the economy, which is
clearly demonstrated by the situation in Russia during the crisis periods of
its economic development. The prospects of the country's exit from the economic
crisis largely depend on the efficiency of the functioning of the banking
system, including the reduction of inflation, financial stabilization.
An important point in the study of the development of
the banking system in the context of financial globalization is its openness to
external influence, close interaction with the external environment. Such a
system is able to accumulate information from the external environment,
accumulate it and process it. The external environment is an influential force
affecting the functioning of the banking system. Environmental factors should
be used to improve the competitiveness of the national banking system in
relation to foreign banks. All this predetermines the need to clarify the
content of the banking system, taking into account the impact on its
development of financial globalization.
Список литературы:
Astrelina, V. V. Liquidity Management in a Russian Commercial
Bank: Textbook. allowance / VV Astrelina,
PK Bondarchuk, PS Shalnov.
- М.: Forum: ИНФРА-М,
2012. - 175 с.
risks: a textbook / ed. OI Lavrushina, NI Valenzova. -3 th
ed., Pererab. and
additional. - M.: KNORUS, 2013. - 292 p.
training. for bachelors / ed. EF Zhukova,
Yu. A. Sokolova. - M.: Yurayt,
2012. - 590 p.
Law of the Russian Federation: Textbook. allowance / otv. Ed. E. Yu. Gracheva. - 2 nd ed., Pererab. and additional. - M.: NORM: INFRA-M, 2013. - 399 p.