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«Наука через призму времени»

Январь, 2018 / Международный научный журнал
«Наука через призму времени» №1 (10) 2018

Автор: Васильчикова Анна Владимировна, студент
Рубрика: Экономические науки
Название статьи: The reasons and prerequisites for the monetary reform of Elena Glinskaya

Статья просмотрена: 482 раз


Vasilchikova A.V., 3-year student accounting and financial

Uglitskyh  O.N., candidate of Economic Sciences,

Associate Professor of the Department of Finance,

Credit and Insurance faculty of the State Agrarian University


Annotation. This article examines the reasons and prerequisites of the Elena Glinskaya reform, as well as the measures that have been taken to improve the monetary reform.

Key words: monetary reform, reforming, coin.


Significant experience of Russian monetary circulation, which existed for about 150 years, was the reason for the reform. The first Russian coins were still minted in the first half of the 11th century, but this did not last long. The beginning of a stable issue of coins is 1380, in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and Ryazan. Beginning in 1420, the coin was minted in Nizhny Novgorod. In the 15th century coin issue became commonplace, coins were minted by various centers. This was not considered a manifestation of strength and economic independence, a heraldic affirmation of political value, in most cases quite short-lived. Coins that minted local centers were distinguished by their extraordinary variety of weight denominations, as well as designations in the form of inscriptions and images, this, in turn, made it difficult to use them in the money circulation system.

The most stable issue of coins during the 5th century was in Moscow and Veliky Novgorod. The money-weight system of the Russian Middle Ages developed the pre-Mongol tradition, the basis of which was a silver hryvnia weighing about 200 grams. During the 5th century, the Moscow coin declined in weight, and the Novgorod coin almost did not change its weight and retained a denomination of 0.8 grams. After the accession of Novgorod to Moscow under Ivan 3, the Moscow silver coin was equated to half of Novgorod and began weighing 0.4 grams. After around the beginning of the 16th century, the main Russian regions united around Moscow to create conditions for the final unification of denominations and denominations of coins of local centers.

Prerequisites for this reform were:

- The economic need for unification of payment means, which arose in the process of reunification of Russia.

- the need to establish a state monopoly on the coinage of coins, which was caused by frequent cases of damage to silver (that is, non-precious metals were mixed with it).

In addition to the general prerequisites for monetary reform in the Russian state, it was necessary to indicate the immediate causes that led to it in 1530. One of these reasons was the need to eliminate the state budget deficit that was formed as a result of Vasily's active foreign policy.

Also, the reason for the holding in 1530. The first Russian reform of monetary circulation was the spreading of coin damage through a decrease in the amount of silver. To a large extent, this was due to the absence of an absolute state monopoly on the issue of coins. In 1533, on the eve of the first Russian reform of the monetary system, a well-known wave of trials took place over counterfeiters, which culminated in the executions of those responsible. The reform began with the adoption of measures to protect the new Russian coin. This same desire to protect money from spoiling led to the final establishment of a state monopoly on the issue of coins and the consolidation of masters at mints in Moscow, Novgorod and Pskov. An important prerequisite for the first Russian reform of the monetary system was the activation in the first third of the sixteenth century. diplomatic relations with Germany. The Russian state did not have its own silver mines, and the raw material for the coinage was silver, which came from international trade, primarily from Germany. The history of the Russian coin XVI - XVII centuries. is most consistently developed. This became possible due to several circumstances. First, there is a truly inexhaustible base of sources in the form of thousands of treasures of coins of the 16th - 17th centuries, stored practically in every Russian museum and constantly replenished by new finds. An extensive source base has become one of the most important prerequisites for the possibility of a strictly scientific study of the monetary circulation of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Secondly, and most importantly, to study the so-called "royal coins" it was possible to use the method of post-stamping analysis, which in this case turned out to be exceptionally fruitful. The mass of silver wire kopecks that do not have dates and often signs of the money yard has been systematized both in chronology and in coinage places, thanks to which the main regularities of the development of the money economy in the 16th-17th centuries were revealed. Of course, in the history of the Russian money economy of this period there are still a lot of white spots, but on the whole it is much more studied than the adjacent periods of the existence of the Russian coin.


Список литературы:


1.             Kobrin VB Ivan the Terrible. M., 1989. S. 17 - 23;

2.             Sakharov AN History of Russia In 2 t. T 1: from ancient times to the beginning of the XVI century. M .: OOO publishing house AST. 2005. p. 362-365;

3.             Soloviev SM History of Russia since ancient times. M., 1960. Book. III. T. 6.

4.             Moscow Industrial Newspaper No. 13, April 8-14, 2004



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